
Isthmus, Catalina

Monday, November 1, 2010

Shake Down Cruise to Catalina

We are getting down to the final days of preparation, and Leif wanted a shakedown cruise to Catalina to test the watermaker, GPS/navigation system, and the auto pilot once again.  We left Friday around noon and motored across with a lack of wind, as they say "the calm before the storm".  We made water while motoring, and it tastes just fine, better quality than at home.  It rained a bit overnight, but the next day was gorgeous, deep blue sky, white puffy clouds, and warm.  We walked over to Cat harbor, had a late lunch, watched USC lose to Oregon, heard about the Beavers beating Cal, couldn't be better.  Our return sail was really great as well, 10-15 kts of wind mostly, and another beautiful day. 
  We are aiming at leaving on Sunday, Nov. 7, and arrive in Ensenada on Monday, in time for the offices to be open for entering into the country.  That leaves this week for all of the last minute "oh yeah I forgot about that" stuff.  Of which there seems to be a growing pile.

   I feel stronger and have greater endurance each day, so the drugs are working, yea, finally.  My hands are still stiff, but daily stretching helps.  I can't wait to "lose this popsicle stand" and get on the road.  I do have to admit that we will never be ready, completely, but we have done a thorough job preparing and have had many people give us the assurance that we are better prepared than most.  Our "humble adobe" hasn't sunk under the weight yet, and there's just a bit more food to load on.  More later, it's too nice an evening to be here inside, need to go out and enjoy the sunset.     


  1. Sounds like you are ready to go! Look forward to following your adventures.

  2. How about sailing down the coast and checking in at Cabo? That's what we did. I'd think Cabo would be pretty far from the border town troubles.

    Good luck! & Have all sorts of fun!

    -jim lee
