
Isthmus, Catalina

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Living aboard, or abroad?

We officially moved aboard last Saturday, and it hasn't stopped raining since that day!  Actually it's been raining off and on for quite awhile, which has slowed our progress towards getting things accomplished.  Moving day was a bit hectic, but not too bad.  The biggest problem was stowing all of the gear in a tidy fashion, so we could move around on the boat.  After several trips back to the house to return clothing, tools, bags and all sorts of things that we really don't need, it appears that we are nearing a point where things are neat and tidy.  Today the boat was inspected by the Coast Guard aux. and it exceeded expectations in all areas except one, we don't have the documentation # engraved on the inside of the boat.  That's where Leif is now, engraving a plaque on the dock, which will be attached tomorrow.  Not bad actually, all the safety gear we have on board passed and we also have extra equipment that's not required, like an EPIRB, life raft, SSB radio, mom and life sling. 
   So, the sun has finally arrived, and I can dry out the towels.  We have gotten along well, given the small space in which we are living.  We've cooked some, and cleaned a lot.  Leif's been running on the beach, and I've been shopping for pillows, going to physical therapy and Spanish classes in Costa Mesa.  Also organizing the insurance papers for both cars and boat, and getting the financial stuff in order.  The weather could be nicer, but all in all, we're doing well and expecting to leave in early Nov., as we have a new laptop arriving in a week.  Another unexpected purchase, but necessary for backup.  Off to go watch Leif engrave the numbers. Hasta luego

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