Woody, not happy about us leaving. |
Casey, can I go too???? I'll paddle!! |
So, the day has finally arrived for us to get our act together and get on board. I spent the day packing, cleaning and arranging the house so our house sitter can actually move in tomorrow. Leif helped in the a.m. and then moved down to the boat to create space for all of our stuff that needs to join us on the trip. It's still beyond my imagination that we are really doing this, and I am sooo excited for the experience. Hopefully all of the accounting and organizing will be spot on, and we can enjoy ourselves as we expect to. Tonight we had our wonderful friends Craig and Liz join us for dinner to celebrate our departure, as they have been sailing for 7 years in the Caribbean and having the best time. We'd love to join them in the future, and have them join us in Mexico, although they are old hands at that. It's fascinating hearing all of their tales of friends, sailing, restaurants, and snorkeling. I can't wait. My bag is packed, although it weighs more than I do, and my car is loaded down with: fenders, life raft, wine, dinghy wheels, bbq, body board, noodles, fire extinguishers, scuba tank, all the stuff we have accumulated in our garage until now. We hope to pack the boat and prepare for leaving in the next two weeks. I gave the dogs a bone each, and wish we could take them along, but know it would not work out. That's the only sad part.
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