
Isthmus, Catalina

Monday, November 22, 2010

Cabo Wabo or Finisterra?

We have been in Cabo for three days now, and it's been quite different than I expected.  I was in La Paz in 1964, ok, I'm old, but it was a typical Mexican town, dirt streets and all.  This is far from that.  Our boat is docked near the high end district, with a Rolex store, Hagen Daz, etc.  Tonight we found some more reasonable restaraunts, Solomon's Landing, and a lovely bar atop a hill overlooking the pacific, Finisterra.  The hike up was worth it, we watched one cruise ship leave and another arrive.  It was a beautiful evening, full moon, and soft music all around, not the throbbing beat that has been our bed-time music each night so far. 
  Today, Leif replaced the impeller, which makes the water cool the engine, and I did laundry.  Much more normal events.  A boat down the dock from us caught a stripped marlin today, and a black marlin yesterday, fortunately they do release most of these fish, yet not all.  The black marlin was draped across the stern of his boat, quite a magnificent fish. We are preparing for our trip to Puerto Vallarta tomorrow, it's supposed to be a 3 day sail, so we hit Walmart today, yup they have those here too.  Great store, lots of fresh fruits and just about anything you need.  I didn't see fruit cups though.  I did get some flan, which is yummy.  Oh yes, Leif talked the waiter at the Hotel Finisterra into selling us a couple of their wine glasses, which are the blue rimmed hand made variety, a nice memento.  Hasta luego,  Lisa

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