
Isthmus, Catalina

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Our Departure From Longo

We left Long Beach on Sunday, Nov. 7 at 11:15 a.m., arrived in Ensenada at 12:30 p.m. the following day.  It was exhilerating to think that we were leaving and not returning for 8 months or so.  We had light winds, so much so that we motorsailed most of the way.  Leif and I started watches in the afternoon, sleeping when off watch, and tending the course when on.  In this manner we were prepared for the evening watches, and well rested when it became our turn.  Or sort of.  The weather cooperated until morning, just as I went off watch at 6 a.m. it started a light drizzle. 
   We had lots of dolphins following us all night and morning, at night their trails of luminescence were fascinating to watch as they streaked through the water.  I also saw some whales off in the distance in the morning.
   We arrived to Cruiseport Marina in Ensenada and checked in with Jonathan who immediately took us to check in to the country at the port captain.  We got fishing licenses and visas, and were set to go in an hour or so.  Not bad... it would have taken us much longer without his help.  We then toasted our trip down, and hit the sack as we were both pretty tired. 
   In the last days, we have picked up cell phones, tacos, visited a museum, picked up fuel in jerry jugs for the next phase of our trip and cooked many meals. Our trip to the museum was laughable, we walked up and down the streets for an hour searching for it, and it ended up right across the street from our marina.  But we did get some good exercise and learned a lot about the deaths of the native americans which culminated in the closing of most missions in 1840.  Nice.  Travelers are not always a welcome thing, as they weren't in the early days of Mexico.  However, we did find a Starbucks, which is a lovely addition to Mexico, as it has wi-fi!  So all you Words with Friends people out there, I'll keep up as I can when we find more Starbucks. Leif says Hi to Nadoamy and Masterbest. He has no ipad, so you're safe for awhile.
  We have decided to stay an extra day as we wanted to see the town today and not work on the boat.  So, Friday we'll be off for Turtle Bay, or Bahia San Bartolome.  It's a quiet bay, different from where we are currently.   Love the travelling, our boat is very comfortable and just big enough for us.  I learned about the net, which is a chat session on the VHF radio each morning, all the cruisers are organized and discuss weather, boat parts needed and upcoming events, very fun.   Well, dinner calls, sausages and rice a roni, very Mexican.


  1. That is great you having so much fun. It sounds as the weather has been pretty good. Do you guys fish alot? We do so I am a bit jelous. Take care and write soon. Be safe


  2. It sounds like you're having a great start to the trip! I love reading about your adventures. Que tengan un buen viaje!

  3. Keep up the posts! Enjoy the fishing and sushi! We will live vicariously through your sailing travels. Love the dolphins swimming with the boat! I'm sure you will have wonderful stories! Take tons of pictures for us.

