
Isthmus, Catalina

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Trip to Bocas del Toro

We decided to take a vacation from our vacation to visit our friends Craig & Liz on their boat in Bocas. So, we hopped a plane to Mexico City,oh wait, it was delayed for 1 hour and we missed our connection to Panama City,Panama. Perhaps it was because the ex-president of Mexico, Vincente Fox got off the plane that we were getting on, and was wisked away by fed. Police. So,we got a free night in Mex. city courtesy of AeroMexico. That occurred after walking the length of the airport three or more times trying to get them to give us a voucher,which they had assured us we would get. At that point,we were quite tired and ready for a nights sleep. Not to happen on the hardest bed I've ever been on. Forgot to mention all of the machine gun toting military guys everywhere in the airports.
Ok,up early, off to the airport for our "confirmed" flight on Copa Air. After waiting in line, and for the agents to reissue our tickets, 1.5 hours later, we were off to...the gate! Finally on the flight,it landed in Panama City, and too late to catch a bus to Bocas, so off to a hotel. This hotel was the oddest so far, nice on first appearance, clean, newish, really not bad. Then we read the rules. No bare feet,or bare chests in hallways. No intimidating others with psychic threats, including the staff. No loud noises. (When Leif sneezes it scares me to death, we thought the hotel police would haul him away.) Also,the beds have been so hard one clunks when sitting on them, and one overhead light only, and one outlet to charge our pad,computer,etc. We laughed so hard when we got here, must be exhausted.
Ok, day three once again up early, no breakfast and off to the airport for a flight to Bocas. No deal, all booked until Jan. 4. Off from there to the bus terminal. We were told the buses were great,t.v.,reclining seats, totally deluxe. Well,the line was at least a thousand people, snaking through a mall like fashion island,no kidding. So... Taxi! Oh boy, $350.
U.S. To drive us to Bocas. Ok. At least we'll be there tonight. We hop in and drive. But, it turns out the driver doesn't know anywhere except Panama City, and he gets us out and into the absolutely beautiful countryside on our way before he enlightens us. As we pass David, pronounced dahveeed, 7 hours later we finally got to call Liz & Craig, who by now probably think we're on a plane. They say we still have 4 hours more and won't make it today, & there's no hotels near the water taxi's in Adalanto. Forgot to mention our driver missed the turnoff and we backtracked 30 min to the turnoff. Back to David for the night in the Best Western...thank heavens, a soft bed. Maybe tomorrow?  Ok, the Best Western was great, except for no water pressure or hot water.  I'll finish this later, but... we did make it and have been in Bocas with Craig and Liz finally.We have not had internet. 

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