
Isthmus, Catalina

Friday, January 28, 2011

Chamela, tubas, winds

It has finally happened, we tore ourselves away from La Cruz. Honcho sailed out at 3:45 p.m. Thursday, heading to Chamela, a little island filled harbor 90 miles south of us. The winds were light to start, then as we rounded cabo Corrientes it picked up to 25 kts. for a few hours. We sailed along, dropped the jib, and of course the wind then dropped. In the a.m. there were whales all around, fortunately not overly close to us. The bay is rimmed by a small village. We hope to get to shore tomorrow, as today we both took a nap as it had been a long night of watches. I saw several meteors, it's great to see the night sky unobstructed. The southern cross is showing as well.
I tried fishing from the boat today, caught a spotted porcupine fish, and some other small thing that got snagged through it's eyeball.
It's not like La Cruz here, no fresh baked pies on the docks, or long showers. But, the water is a bit warmer, and swimming is possible. All afternoon the palapa had music playing, some band with a tuba as the prime instrument. I never thought of tubas or accordions as a main instrument until Mexico.

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