
Isthmus, Catalina

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Finally, Bocas del Toros, Panama

I left off at the Best Western hotel in David.  We got up extra early determined to make it to Bocas, as we don't have bus reservations and it's New Year's Eve, and everyone stops early, like noon, to celebrate.  We decided to hire another taxi, and after a really interesting, fun, dangerous, and enlightening ride through the cattle country, then rain forest, then jungle, and finally down to Almirante for a water taxi to Bocas, which is an island.  It's amazing how poor the people are here, yet nicely dressed, and most are standing by the road waiting for the local buses to ???  The "houses" are just wood shacks, without windows, doors, and the people are sitting on the front porches, waving at flies. 
   When we arrive at Almirante, we are surrounded by water taxi guys pushing us towards their taxi instead of others.  We had one recommended, so we walk away and get in line for an 11:30 boat to Bocas.  Around 11:00 a boat arrives and everyone dashes and jumps in, except us, and we wait for our names to be called, then cram in.  There were about 30 people in this panga with curtains, and it was definitely overloaded, should have taken maybe 16.  So, thinking, I can always swim, off we went.  As we arrived 20 minutes later in Bocas, there was Craig to greet us as we walked off the dock.  I was so happy to finally see him, hugs all around.  Liz was waiting next door at Pirates Bar, so we all sat down for a celebratory beer.  Now the story begins about the actual trip here in Bocas.
   Liz and Craig's catamaran, a Leopard 42, owners version, is docked in Red Frog Marina, a short water taxi ride away.  There are many many islands here, and one needs a chart to figure out where on earth you are. They all look similar, lots of palm trees, thatched huts, houses, boats, pangas, mangroves, and oh yes, definitely mosquitoes and no see ums.
   Liz is an amazing cook, and does more in a boat galley than I have ever done in my gourmet kitchen at home.  We hit the sack early, exhausted from the stress of travel and glad to be finally at our new home. 

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