
Isthmus, Catalina

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tenecatita Sunset

One more amazing sunset in Tenecatita
We enjoyed Tenecatita sunsets each night, as the clouds filled in and brought us some shade during the day.  Tenecatita is a beautiful bay, with several anchorage areas depending upon where the wind and swell are directed.  We chose the inner-most area, with about 20 other boats.  It was a lovely sand beach for miles in an arc, travelling from our little dinghy landing area around to La Manzanilla, a very cute town on the other side.  We heard of a "jungle cruise" that is possible in your own dinghy, up the local river to an area that used to have palapas for refreshment afterwards.  The local landlord decided to bulldoze the palapas and kick out the owners by gunpoint recently, so we were a little hesitant to go all the way to the finish.  As it turned out, the jungle cruise was truly jungle-like, with overhanging mangroves, lots of birds, and several iguanas.  No cocodrilos though, as promised.  We arrived at the final pond area and there were some guards there to keep us from landing, so we left the way we came. 

Iguana, just prior to its jumping into the water right next to me!

   La Manzanilla is a lot like Laguna Beach in Calif., cute homes built on cliffs, painted bright colors, and many gringos.  Lots of Canadians call this home apparently, and there is a great deal of wealth here.  We arrived by dinghy, of course, and did an ok beach landing, dragging our dinghy up onto the beach by the wheels on the stern.  They've come in very handy lately, even if they do look very strange sticking up in the air while we speed around.  We walked the hard sand beach, and had some delicious grilled Italian veggies at a local restaurant, then back to the dinghy.  Our exit was not as dry as our landing. Although we launched through the surf nicely, it was with a bit of pain kicking underwater rocks and getting splashed by waves.  The trip back across the bay was a windy one, with our tiny ship getting tossed.  We sang the Gilligan's Island song and hoped for the best.  Of course the captain got us there safely.  I finally took a well deserved hot shower on board, and felt like a new woman.  We rested up that night as we were looking towards leaving for Barra de Navidad in the morning.          


  1. How beautiful! Glad it's going so well. I had fun "babysitting" Woody and Casey ... they're easy! Take care, Marlane
