
Isthmus, Catalina

Friday, December 10, 2010

Paradise Village, Nuevo Vallarta

Ok, so, there are supposed to be crocodiles here.  There are these signs on the gangways and posted on the islands across from our boat like the yellow warning signs at home warning you to slow down it's a school zone, except there's a crocodile on it.  I haven't seen hide nor hair of one, so we took a cruise today on our 9' rubber dinghy to find them.  Smart.  We motored for 3 hours and didn't see a sign of one, looking dutifully under all of the mangroves along the side of the river.  NEVER saw a one.  Thank heavens, as it turns out.  We did see a cool green iguana about 3' long swim across in front of us, thought it was a croc.  Apparently, the crocs that are here? are about 12' long full grown, and leap out at you.  And, they have eaten people within the last few years so frequently that it doesn't make the news.  So, I look carefully as I walk to the showers and down the gangways. 
  We are headed towards Tenecatita hopefully tomorrow, weather permitting.  If it looks rough, we will stay a night or two at La Cruz anchored out until it looks good to sail around Cabo Corrientes, the local point Conception; it's where the weather changes here in Mexico.
  We have met some great people here in Nuevo Vallarta, who own a Davidson 44 named Io,  formerly Shockwave.  Our friends Dave and Jan own Pendragon II, also a Davidson 44.  Fun to see the changes on each boat.  The world is a small place.  We had a delicious dinner on Io, and celebrated Bobbie's birthday, then went home to decide on tomorrow's voyage.  I hear there are more crocs down in Ixtapa, gotta go see if it's real.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lisa-

    So how is your spanish coming? Are you using it much?
    It is fun to read about your adventure...

