
Isthmus, Catalina

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

La Cruz, still

We tried to get away, really we did.  However, we are still anchored off La Cruz, and enjoying ourselves by visiting friends and getting DVD's downloaded.  We were planning on sailing to Yelapa, across the bay, then on to Ipala and then Tenecatita.  This is still our eventual plan, but things happen and plans change.  We found a gentleman who downloads movies onto hard drives so we thought, great, we could use some more movies.  This sounded easy, and it was, just time consuming, as we drove with him to his beautiful home in Bucerias, just down the road.  He has a couple of acres of all sorts of fruit trees, pineapple plants and other tropical vegetation.  Ever heard of a "yaca"?  Well he has two trees.  Not yucca.  I thought of Mary B. and her garden when I saw his.
  Then, my kindle which has been a wonderful asset, decided to die.  So, after several calls to service dept., it will get replaced and hopefully mailed somewhere down here.  The mail here isn't overly reliable, so we'll see.  Then our friends in Panama invited us for New Year's, and that sounds fun, a vacation from our vacation!  We're hoping to join them, now need to figure out details on that one.  Gosh retirement is busy.
   The Honcho has been reliable, we cleaned the waterline yesterday, trying to keep us looking ship shape.  We also met some folks on a nearby boat who know our former dock mates on the Eyoni.  It's so fun to strike up a conversation and find out where, when, what, about people.  Everyone has a story worth listening to, and most are amazing.  It's incredible to me how many people are down her doing this cruising thing and have either retired young or just left. 

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