Once again we are on the move. Bahia de Concepcion was amazingly eye opening and entertaining. We met some new friends who live on the cliff there, swam with whale sharks, caught a 29" yellowtail, hiked and dinghied to various restaurants. We spent an extra day in Concepcion having dinner with our friends( Serena, Island Bound, Jerry and Kelley) at the La Enferma restaurant, also known as Anna's. Now we have to get a move on south.
So, off we went, this time on the far side of the entrance where it's deeper than 14', more like 40', rounded the Punta Concepcion and headed to San Juanico. On our way, we caught a 29" yellowtail, yipee, and cleaned it for dinner. The trip was not very noteworthy, the landscape up here is flatter and nondescript, unlike past San Juanico where the cliffs and mountains are quite dramatic. Arriving after sunset, we were hailed by Pacifico and So Inclined (Dave, Marisa, Mike and Karen) who invited us for fish tacos and cheesecake with brownie crust for dinner! Hooyah! What a lifesaver they are, as we were beat from the sun and long day. In the morning we awoke to the fact that they had left us for points north. We went ashore and hiked around the lush back estuary to the yachters shrine on the far side of the beach. The scenery was gorgeous with windswept red rocks, jagged little islets covered with birds, and white sand beaches filled with shells. In the early evening on the second day we were blown out of our nice anchoring spot, and moved over to a more protected area near some other boats. At dinnertime, I invited all aboard for yellowtail dinner, but the catamaran ( Stray Cat) offered to have it on their boat as it was larger. Oh darn, I don't have to clean the boat! So, dinner with Capriccio( Jan and Vivian) and Stray Cat(Guy and Carol).
L-R, Ed, Connie, Bill, Kat, Lisa, Leif at Anna's |
Our 29" yellowtail, caught off Punta Concepcion |
Next, off to Puerto Escondido for some supplies and fuel. We met up with our friends here, Blue Rodeo, Swift Current and Panta Rhei. The first day we worked like mad to get ready, laundry, fuel, groceries, and lunch. That night Swift Current invited us over for dinner of arrecherra tacos, I made tortillas, Howard made his usual excellent salad and the meat, and Anne did a Key Lime pie that was to die for. The morning found us up and on the road again.
Rock formations at San Juanico |
Pelican at sunset, Balandra |
Playa el Burro, Bertha's restaurant and the dinghy landing. |
Next stop, Puerto Los Gatos. Not really a port, just a beautiful area with red rocks and dramatic beaches. We spent one night, and in the morning we jumped into the water and checked the bottom of the boat for kelp. No sooner had we jumped in when this burr fish or puffer attacked us! He was not to be deterred, I'd splash at him and he'd scowl and swim back at us with his little fins churning like mad. So, we escaped on to the boat. They are quite poisonous and not to be messed with. Rather amusing that he was so persistent about keeping our boat bottom to himself. Today we head to La Paz, if we can make it. It's a long trip, about 70 miles, and the wind this whole trip has been on the nose, so mostly motoring. The day started nicely, no wind, then, it built up to 15-20 or so on the nose with wind waves and chop. Then, later it died completely and it was soooo hot. We did see a blue whale, several turtles, a seal, lots and lots of jumping rays, dolphins, and blue footed boobies flying in formation with the pelicans. We arrived at Marina Palmira, La Paz just as the sun set at 8:00p.m., another long day, but we have arrived at the turning point of our trip. Now we'll be leaving the Sea of Cortez, and heading around the corner and home.
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