
Isthmus, Catalina

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Bahia Concepcion, Santa Rosalia, Puerto Escondido

   At 8:30 a.m. we raised anchor and left for Bahia Concepcion.  As we rounded the corner of the peninsula, we picked up internet access for a few minutes from the town of Mulege.  This was a sad day for us as the email came from Shelly that our sweet Labrador, Casey, was not eating and seemed lackluster.  As it turned out, after several emails and a call to the vet, we had to make the difficult decision to have Casey put to sleep.  She was a great dog, and will be missed.  The effects of that decision stayed with us for awhile, putting a damper on our spirits. 

Jerry McCord's house on the hillside in Concepcion.  Our home away from home with his gracious gifts of internet, car, alcohol, and live piano music and excellent company!
  As we pulled into our favorite anchorage, we spotted a boat that seemed familiar, yet not.  It turns out that our friends Tom and Sylvia from Banderas Bay Race Week in 2011 were here on their boat Cinnabar.  We knew them, but had never seen their boat, a beautiful Schumacher 52’.   Anchored next to them was another fun couple that we met, Joe and Kitty on Talitha.  What a small world.  We called our long time friend, Jerry who lives above the cove in a beautiful stone home, complete with a classic piano, and met for dinner.  One of many to come.  Jerry was so gracious to us during our stay, he provided a car, a phone for the vet, live piano music, palomas, bloody marias, and introduced us to new friends: Marilyn, Ramona, and Bonnie.  Needless to say, we had a fantastic time every day, eating, sightseeing, kayaking, drinking, dancing, and meeting such interesting people.  We had planned on staying only 3-4 days, but ended up for over a week as the winds picked up.
The TKT restaurant in Santispac. 
 Apparently there was a mix-up between the owners of the two restaurants onshore at Santispac.  Now, Ana's isn't the place to go, but TKT is.  All I know is the food was excellent, margaritas were deadly, and the nightly music was loud and fun to dance to.  We did need bug spray at sun up and sun down for no see ums which were not there the last time.
World class view from Jerry's balcony.  Lt-Rt.: Finisterra,  Talitha, and Cinnabar.
   One other event which I had planned was to meet Ron and Diane who bought Susie’s old home in Posada Concepcion.  Ron had emailed me after seeing my blog on Concepcion and wanted more info on the house.  I didn’t have much to add to his knowledge, but it was great to meet them.
Diane and Ron enjoying Sunday Bloody Marias and Ramos Fizzes at Jerry's.  
  They seem to fit right in and are enjoying their time in Mexico.  I invited them to Jerry’s (Senior Paloma) for the Sunday bloody maria event so that they could meet.  It was such a lively time after such a slow quiet trip up the baja.
Susie's dad's former home at Posada Concepcion.  Now owned by Ron and Diane, who were so gracious to allow us to use their laundry and internet!
   Marilyn and I went to Santa Rosalia to have haircuts and a pedicure.  We spent the a.m. looking for a place to buy coffee, but the whole town didn't have power yet, so we went without.  My haircut was perfect, and only $17.00.  Gotta love Mexico.  The pedicure was also good, but the polish didn't stay on long, probably the salt water, sand, and rough sailing life?  On another morning, I invited Jerry, Ramona and Marilyn over to the boat for banana pancakes and mimosas, one of my favorite boat breakfasts.  Well, maybe not mimosas very often...  Leif was the water taxi and after arriving with two loads of people and supplies (OJ and Champagne), we all got down to having another fantastic time talking, eating and taking photos.  This went on until after 3:00 p.m., when we all needed some down time to recuperate!
Post Mimosa... the happy group of new and old friends!
   The next day we did a dinghy ride with Joe and Kitty in search of whale sharks, which we didn't see, but they did later in the day.  As time sped by, we said our goodbyes at dinner that night, and then later at the bonfire, we hoped to leave in the a.m.  Morning arose and we motored out to San Juanico, headed back towards La Paz.  I saw Ramona’s bright orange doors to her palapa open as we went past.  And also Marilyn’s yellow pathfinder parked by the beautiful home that she is house sitting.  Sad to leave, but we must sometime. 
Jerry in his element, serving up libations in his lovely home.
   We motored out of the long bay, and noticed a shimmy in the boat.  Perhaps we had picked up some kelp on our prop as we motored in the headwinds, so we backed off of the speed and put up a sail.  The boat shimmied as we upped the rpms.  Upon arriving at San Juanico, I jumped into the water, and sure enough, there was kelp wrapped around the top of the prop which I easily pulled off. 
This is Agua Verde, not much to see from the water, but a small community lies behind the trees.
The cute goats at A.V.
The next day we left again early, although I hadn't slept at all, bound for Puerto Escondido and Loretofest.  Loretofest is a cruiser affair that helps the local charities, and has many fun events for cruisers.  We bought tee shirts and decided that we’d leave in the a.m.  Not that we’re anti- social, but it seemed a bit like a groupie thing, and we had just spent a week of social fun.  In the a.m. we are headed to Los Gatos, and eventually Isla San Francisco


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