
Isthmus, Catalina

Friday, December 9, 2011

What a difference a year makes!

Last year at this time, we were in La Cruz, enjoying the warm weather and new friends.  Our trip had just begun to be what we had expected, warm weather, white sands, lots of fish tacos, and endless experiences. 
   This year, it's freezing cold here in Southern Calif., I have the house heater on every day.  Also, there's lots of traffic, noise, and endless jobs around the house to finish.  I also have been subsitute teaching at my former school, which has been fun.  The students are so energetic and upbeat, plus it's the Christmas season, so the practices for the Christmas program add to the festivities. 
   Leif and I both miss our easy going lifestyle back in Mexico, and are still making plans towards heading back in the future.  The nearest we've gotten to the boat was a harbor cruise with friends recently to catch up on their life in Panama on their boat.  Our dogs are keeping us fit, walking and running them most days.  I do think they enjoy my being home to cater to their every whim.    Merry Christmas to everyone.